“To me, as an artist, engagement with art is the first step to communication.” – Edward Burtynsky
In this episode, Founder and Director of the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery Bryce Wolkowitz, and Environmental Photographer Edward Burtynsky discuss his early inspirations, his first darkroom experience, the composition within the frame, current state of the art institutions, as well as his latest project "Natural Order."
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AIPAD Exposure
AIPAD member galleries are supporting photographer Edward Burtynsky in enriching the current discourse on our changing planet.
Burtynsky is well known for his large format photographs of industrial landscapes that are on display in more than 50 museums, including the Guggenheim Museum, the National Gallery of Canada and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. His latest project, The Anthropocene Project, is a multidisciplinary body of work he completed with collaborators Nicholas de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal. The project combines art, film, virtual and augmented reality, and scientific research to investigate human influences on the state, dynamic and future of the Earth.
Read the full article here.
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